Life without Windows or OS X

GNU/Linux is quite possibly the most important free software achievement since the original Space War, or, more recently, Emacs. It has developed into an operating system for business, education, and personal productivity. GNU/Linux is no longer only for UNIX wizards who sit for hours in front of a glowing console. Are you thinking about switching to Linux and want to learn how to use it? Have you been using GNU/Linux for some time and want to learn even more? This is the place for you.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mozilla has met a major milestone:Firefox 3

Mozilla announced Wednesday that it plans to release the final version of Firefox 3 on Tuesday, June 17, less than a week away. Here the twist. they have a goal of breaking the Guinness World Record on June 17th, becoming the most downloaded software in a single day. Over one million people so far have pledged so far to download the software in the first 24 hours it's available. Firefox 3 has been in development for three years, and has been worked on by thousands of people. Firefox browser is produced by one of the greatest open source communities in the world..developers, designers, localizers, testers, marketers, and documentation writers around the world all for a common goal.

Firefox 3 keeps track of all reported malware sites, protecting you by blocking them before the pages even load, ensuring that your system. How cool is that? Firefox 3 also has improved Phishing protection. The phishing sites are now blocked before the pages are even loaded, so your computer is never in danger, unlike Firefox 2 loaded the page, then warned you that it was a reported phishing site. Phishing is the emails you see every day telling you that your bank accounts will be closed for some reason unless you log in right away. Of course, the link in the email doesn’t take you to your bank, but to a clever forgery that steals your information, and then uses it to steal your money.

The Firefox 3 people say that this is best browser ever, big shock huh? Users of the new browser will see up to fifteen thousand changes since the introduction of Firefox 2.0


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