Life without Windows or OS X

GNU/Linux is quite possibly the most important free software achievement since the original Space War, or, more recently, Emacs. It has developed into an operating system for business, education, and personal productivity. GNU/Linux is no longer only for UNIX wizards who sit for hours in front of a glowing console. Are you thinking about switching to Linux and want to learn how to use it? Have you been using GNU/Linux for some time and want to learn even more? This is the place for you.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Cedega (devil in costume?)

Not sure if Cedega is good or bad. Transgaming Technologies’ Cedega is a subscription-based application that implements a Windows compatibility layer on top of Linux. A fork of the open-source Wine project, it’s been optimized for gaming and focuses on DirectX compatibility. One of Cedega’s main strengths is its ease of installation and use, while Wine can perform many of the same tasks, installing Wine or the CVS version of Cedega can be difficult, and it’s tempting to pay the subscription price of $5 a month instead. Subscribers also get support with their installation, and can vote on which games should be focused on for future versions of the product.

For me the major downside to using a program like Cedega to run Windows games is that game makers have less incentive to port their games over, leaving Linux gamers out in the cold unless they want to pay a subscription to a corp. or continually tweak alternatives. Cedega is not the answer for the long run. I know, I don't want to be at the mercy of a single company to control all my gaming.

I know... from a gamer’s point of view, Cedega represents the best solution for gaming under Linux. The Linux gamer hates the “D” word. However, for now dual booting many be the only real option. As Linux grows in the market place, game developers will take notice. If the fokes at UT 2004 can do it why not every one else


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