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Friday, March 20, 2020

No war on COVID-19 in Missouri

 Not a software post.

There is No Leadership in Missouri. Republicans in Missouri still got their heads in the ground. They have spent weeks downplaying the threat, even calling it hoax. Why do Republicans and Democrats have very different ideas about the COVID-19? Democratic cities and states are moving more aggressively and faster than Republican cities and states. That is sick and we all know it.

"Sixty-eight percent of Democratic voters are worried that an immediate family member might catch the coronavirus, compared with just 40 percent of Republicans who agree. Fifty-six percent of Democrats believe their day-to-day lives will change in a major way, versus only 26 percent of Republicans. And 79 percent of Democrats say the worst is yet to come, versus just 40 percent of Republicans who hold the same opinion." 

-NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll

 "We have done an incredible job. We're going to continue, Trump said.."It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear. And from our shores, you know, it could get worse before it gets better. Could maybe go away. We'll see what happens. Nobody really knows."
-Feb.27 2020 Black History Month reception at the White House

 On Feb. 28, 2020 Trump calls corona-virus Democrats' 'new hoax' at a campaign rally in South Carolina.

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They have no clue, they can't even count their votes in Iowa.”

Hours after the Trump rally in South Carolina, the U.S. had the first COVID-19 death. Trump then went on to downplay the potential for more COVID-19 cases in the U.S., and even suggested, that the number of cases in America would fall.

Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council,said: 

"Frankly, so far it looks relatively contained.
-CNBC's "Squawk on the Street"

Conway, counselor to the president said:

"It is being you not think it's being contained in this country?"
-FOX News


The virus was NEVER contained in the U.S. because we were not testing. You cannot have containment without testing. There is not much testing in Missouri. There is no leadership in Missouri. And we ALL KNOW WHY.

Stop telling the naked emperor he is wearing cloths!!!


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