Phishing or Fishing?
Phishing is online fraud that uses fake Web sites, which look like those of legitimate businesses, to trick online users into disclosing personal and financial information that can be used for criminal activity. The term phishing arises from the use of increasingly sophisticated lures to "fish" for users' financial information and passwords. Another emerging trend is spear phishing, which will overtake regular phishing campaigns. This is a targeted type of phishing that is more effective because it goes to people more likely to fall for the particular pitch. After a few unsuccessful attempts to access your account, your Online Profile has been locked. A message says: “This has been done to secure your accounts and to protect your private information. You may unlock your profile by going to: ..." Sounds like a possible e-mail scam, right? But what if the e-mail seemed to come from the head of IT at your small business, warning about your company account? Would you click the link? Today's phishers hope so..
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