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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

HD-DVD/Blu-ray DOA

Its a futile battle....

The competing technologies are Blu-ray, the high-definition video disc format backed by Sony and several other major vendors, against HD-DVD, which is backed by the DVD Forum and companies including Toshiba, NEC, Intel, and Microsoft.
The difference in storage space is huge: regular DVDs can hold 4.7GB of music, movies, and other data, while Blu-ray can carry 25GB of data and HD-DVD, 15GB. But despite some other advantages for each of the two new formats, the companies backing them have been unable to compromise on a single standard.

Remember the format wars between Betamax and VHS? It was a war that lasted 10 years. That was a real “WAR” with a real winner. There wasn't a new superior format video tape waiting to crush the winner of that epic battle.
While Blu-Ray and HD-DVD use the same laser, other producers thought of combining the two lasers (red and blue), in a single ray with Collinear.

It does not matter who wins the battle, Blu-ray Disc or HD-DVD, they both lose the War.

The VHS tape as we know it has been around for like 30 years now. Could Blu-ray Disc or HD-DVD have the same type of victory and dominance? Never.
Soon to lay waste to everyone is the Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD). It employs a technique known as collinear holography, whereby two lasers, one red and one blue-green, are collimated in a single beam. The blue-green laser reads data encoded as laser interference fringes from a holographic layer near the top of the disc while the red laser is used to read servo information from a regular CD-style aluminium layer near the bottom. Servo information is used to monitor the position of the read head over the disc, similar to the head, track, and sector information on a conventional hard disk drive. These disks have the capacity to hold up to 3,900 GB of information, which is approximately 160 times the capacity of single-layer Blu-ray Discs. The HVD also has a transfer rate of 1 Gbit/s.
A prolonged war between the HD-DVD/Blu-ray formats may mean consumers have a long wait for a clear winner to emerge, potentially holding off widespread adoption of high-def DVDs for years if ever because of HVD.
I'm warning everyone that the loser of the format war will the consumer if they choose to buy into hype of HD-DVD vs Blu-ray.


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