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Monday, April 06, 2020

The Age of Convid 19: A partisan pandemic

Who do you trust?


CDC 87%
Your governor 75%
National media 72%
Friends/family 72%
Religious leaders 44%
Trump 14%


Trump 90%
CDC 84%
Friends/family 81%
Religious leaders 71%
You governor 65%
National media 13%


As we Americans watch this pandemic play out the cross the world. It seems clear that Trumper's, never Trumper's and none Trumper's seem to occupy entirely different planes of existence, employing different strategies for the same pandemic. Trumper's are part of a dangerous and massive cult. And Trump, the cult leader, knows exactly how to wield his power over his sheep in order to retain his position. 

Once again because of a Trumper  governor, Missouri is made to look like a fool across the nation. Yes Parson issued a stay-at-home order, but his order will allow businesses deemed "non-essential" to remain open as long as they adhere to social distancing requirements. Just like his master/daddy out in DC, it's markets over people. Parson kept insisting that urban and rural areas must be treated differently for "economic reasons". So in another words:  Convid 19 must belong to the cult of Trump as it will only rage war in Democratic areas leaving the Republican areas untouched. The truth is the people in Missouri are all at risk regardless of where they live. Additionally, non-essential businesses can seek a waiver from social distance restrictions through the Missouri Department of Economic Development. Not any type of Missouri "Health department".  "Economic"

A word from his leader..

"We have to open our country again. We don't want to be doing this for months and months and months."

"Because you know, at a certain point, you'll lose more people this way [because of social distancing]  through all of the problems caused, than you will with what we're doing right now [social distancing]. What we're doing right now, I think is going to be very successful, but you know what? I don't know. We have a big decision to make at a certain point. OK? We have a big decision to make. We went this extra period of time, but I said it from the beginning, the cure cannot be worse than the problem itself." -Apr 4th. Trump White House coronavirus task force.
Trump is more angry about the stringent social distancing measures , which has sent the economy spiraling rapidly downward, then lost lives. See the message is, if we can just get the stock market up to 30,000, the curve will be flattened and lives will be saved. So yes Michael Parson, got the message loud and clear: Listen to economic experts over scientific experts and downplay the threat.


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