Life without Windows or OS X

GNU/Linux is quite possibly the most important free software achievement since the original Space War, or, more recently, Emacs. It has developed into an operating system for business, education, and personal productivity. GNU/Linux is no longer only for UNIX wizards who sit for hours in front of a glowing console. Are you thinking about switching to Linux and want to learn how to use it? Have you been using GNU/Linux for some time and want to learn even more? This is the place for you.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

From:Chisel Point for Deeper Penetration


"There are somethings I can't report

The memory of his last retort

But it was so much easier

When I was cruel"

When I Was Cruel No.2

-Elvis Costello

More here...........

A cool post I came across. I wish Google well as they protect our right to speak our mind and share our thouhts with others.

BPL: High Speed For Every One

What is Broadband over Powerline or BPL?

BPL is a system that is being tested to provide broadband Internet service via powerlines. Radio energy is coupled onto power lines and is distributed into homes. A device in the home plugs into a normal wall outlet and typically provides an Ethernet connection to a computer or home network.

more here

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Where to get Linux.

I have been at this place for about five mouths now. I known many of my statements on this blog seemed to aimed at “geeks”. But its really aimed at every one...if you use a computer and or surf the web I'm speaking to you. My mission is to chat about “choice” and let you know you have one.
The PC has caused humankind to have critical reflections of ideas. Families stay in touch, friends share pictures from thousands of miles a way, and students research term papers, thanks in part to computer and Internet innovations.
Windows has dominated the desktop and laptop operating system scene for so long, it's easy to see why people might not realize that competition is still out there. I feel that the meager income that many are stuck with now days should not keep them out of touch with the tech revolution.
One of those other choices is a little known OS called Linux. Now I'm sure you heard none geeks can't install Linux. But lets face it, most people use Windows because it is what's installed on computers when they buy them. So when people say that Linux distributions are too hard to install, what are they basing that idea on? Did they actually install Windows in the first place? Unless they built their own system, probably not. They just bought their computer, paid for Windows® OS and started using it.
I wont kid you here. Many Hardware Manufactures do not support Linux directly. Take Epson for example. It takes more effort for Linux users to get full use of Epson Multifunction Printers than it does for Windows or Mac users. It seems Epson is willing to work with the free software world, but only through its “Epson Kowa”. There has to be some kind of monopolistic marketing deal Microsoft which restrict Epson from working directly with the Linux people. Thats why I would love to see some kind of an OHM Initiative.
Migrating from a Windows machine to Linux is not that difficult. I along many Linux users can attest to that fact. There are also many applications that are available on the Linux operating system, some of which are and also free and secure.
Which Distribution Is The Best? Hmmm. Well the best distribution is whichever one that “You” think is best. Ken Starks wants to see Linux succeed on the desktop. To that end, Starks has been beating the drum for Linux on his Lobby4Linux Web site the past year or so. More recently, he has launched something called The Austin Project, which has since been renamed to Linux4Austin. Its place where people new to Linux can go for help.
Linux can be obtained on CD or DVD media. You can download an ISO image, say, from many places across, and then burn that .iso file to a cd. An iso image is an image of a CD-ROM disk saved in ISO-9660 format, an exact copy of a disk stored as a file. ISO files are generally 640 megabytes in size, a lot to download. While there is generally some documentation included on downloadable iso images, there is no free technical support with a downloaded iso image. If like most you still have dial-up or can't download an iso image, you can buy only the CD's/DVD's, without printed material or tech support. Look to Easy Linux or exofire CD Burn (TLL International Internet Services). They will ship you a Linux distribution cheaply. If you need technical support buy a boxed version of a distribution, with cdrom's and/or dvd's, printed documentation and technical support.
Finding an entry-level home PC that doesn't have a Windows XP sticker on it makes people search through a maze of Web sites. If they try calling many major system builders, the agent is likely to have a hard time steering them toward a preinstalled Linux-based system. If you're looking to buy an affordable desktop system that comes with Linux and a whole bunch of key free and open-source applications already installed, look to: Open Sense Solutions LLC, sub, sub, GigabytesNetwork Computers, and for your Linux computing needs.

"If monopoly persists, monopoly will always sit at the helm of government.I do not expect monopoly to restrain itself. If there are men in this country big enough to own the government of the United States, they are going to own it." (President Woodrow Wilson).

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Blogs Attract Wealthy,Young Readers

Blog visitors are also more likely to shop online and to connect to the Internet using a broadband connection.

more here...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Open" Internet-Browser:Firefox 1.5

Firefox is a free, open-source web browser for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X and is based on the Mozilla codebase. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over Internet Explorer, such as the ability to block pop-up windows.

The new version of Internet-Browser Firefox 1.5 is available free of charge. It offers quicker and safer surfing the Internet.
Along with an improvement in security, some new functions have been developed for Firefox, for example the Update-option can be used easily. The user receives automatic tips about security-updates or important upgrades.
Moreover, the data management improves the private data handling in Firefox 1.5 , i.e. passwords, form data and also the jounal. You can delete the data quickly and comfortably with a single click. Along with this, the „Tabbed Browsing“ was developed further, this enables simultaneous loading of many Websites in one window.
Firefox 1.5 has hardly changed in appearance,this means that Firfox has the same look and is still easy to use. I supports all current operating systems like Windows, Mac OS X and Linux in more than 40 languages.
Firefox offers you many useful functions, like a „Pop-Up-Blocker“, and you can install your own individual menu bar.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Where film making is going

I saw a French movie called Immortal. It was one of those films shot entirely in "digital backlot", where the actors were all shot in front of blue- and green-screens with all the backgrounds added in post-production. It takes place in New York one hundred years in the future. Some kind of giant pyramid has materialized out of thin air and floats above the city.
There are practically are no physical sets in any real sense of the word. Unlike other movies in the past, Immortal goes one step further by using digitized human actors as well as real life ones. You get to see some cool views of a future world, however these glimpses are simply just there and are never really explained. It's an ok film, very pretty as well. Immortal will show you where Sci-fi/Fantasy film making is going as the art of digital backlot gets better.

KDE-based Live Installer for Knoppix+Kanotix

Klik allows you to run applications from a single file (Like OSX application dirs), but its for linux.

To install the Klik client:

1) Press Alt-F2 and paste:

wget -O -|sh

2) Restart your browser.

klik provides an easy way to download and use software for most major distributions. There are currently 3 distributions which have the klik client preinstalled: Kanotix, openSUSE (SLICK enhanced), and CPX-MINI.

I tested it with:

Knoppix 3.7
Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger"
Linspire Five-0
Kanotix CPX-MINI
OpenSUSE 10
Fedora Core 4
kubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger"

Support for .cmg files is now installed by the klik client.
Simply click on .cmg files in KDE to run them.
(Or drag .cmg files on ~/.zAppRun in order to run them.

The klik client sets KDE to open .cmg files with ~/.zAppRun automatically.)

While not quite as sophisticated as Linspire's Click-N-Run Warehouse, the end result is the same ,easy installation of many popular applications.